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Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

Komodo Island

Diposting oleh Wisnoe

Komodo Island is an island located in the Nusa Tenggara Islands. Komodo Island is known as a habitat for native animals Komodo. This island is also an area of Komodo National Park which is managed by the central government. Komodo Island is located on the western island of Sumbawa, which are separated by The Sape.

Administratively, this island including the District of Komodo, West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Komodo Island is the most western tip of Nusa Tenggara Timur province, bordered by East Nusa Tenggara.

Komodo Island, Komodo dragons live animals and breed well. Year 2008, only in this island there was at least 1200 Komodo tails. Plus the other islands, such as the island of Rinca, so their overall number to about 2500 head. and until now Komodo Island will be selected as new 7 wonder

Besides Komodo, the island also save a diverse flora eksotisme Sepang timber that is used by people around as medicine and dye clothing materials, tree nitak this or believe in sterculia oblongata useful as drugs and seed tasty and delicious as pea.

Netherlands in the year 1910 named the island in the southern province of East Nusa Tenggara with this surname Komodo Island. This was the story of Lieutenant Steyn va Hens Broek trying to prove that a report on the Dutch troops dragon-like animal on the island monster. Steyn then kill one of Komodo and bring documentation to the Museum and Botanical Garden in Bogor to be inspected.

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