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Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

Bunaken Island

Diposting oleh Wisnoe

Bunaken island is an area of 8.08 km ² in the Bay of Manado, which is located on the northern island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. This island is part of the city of Manado, the provincial capital of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bunaken Island is located to the Speed boat hire or boat trip with about 30 minutes from the port city of Manado. Around the island of Bunaken Bunaken marine park there which is part of National Park Marine Manado Tua. This marine park has a marine biodiversity one of the highest in the world. Scuba dive attracts many visitors to the island. Overall Bunaken marine park covers area of 75,265 hectares with five islands that are in it, that is, the island of Manado Tua, Bunaken Island, Siladen Island, Pulau Mantehage following some children pulaunya, and Island Naen. Although the area covers 75,265 hectares, the location of dive (diving), only limited in each of the five beaches encircle the island.

Bunaken marine park has a 20 point dive (Dive spot) to vary with the depth of 1344 meters. 20 point dive from the 12 point dive in them around Bunaken Island. Twelve point dive this is the most frequently visited by divers and lovers of the beauty beneath the sea.

Most of the 12 point dive in the Bunaken Island line from the southeast to the northwest island. In this region there is a great underwater walls, also called the hanging walls, or walls of a giant coral vertical stand and buckle up. Coral wall is also a source of food for fish in the waters around Bunaken Island.

Bunaken National Park is representative of the ecosystem of a tropical forest ecosystem of mangroves, the yet, coral reef, ecosystem and land / coastal.

In the North island of Bunaken, Manado Tua island, the island Montehage, Siladen the island, the island Nain, Nain Kecil island, and some coastal areas Tanjung Pisok. While in the South include some coastal Tanjung Kelapa.

Potential land island national park is rich with the kind of palm, sago, woka, silar and coconut. Types of animals on the land between the coastal and other black South monkeys (Macaca nigra nigra), deer (Cervus timorensis russa), and polecat (Ailurops ursinus ursinus).

Type of plant mangroves in Bunaken National Park, namely Rhizophora sp., Sonneratia sp., Lumnitzera sp., And Bruguiera sp. Forest is rich with various kinds of crab, shrimp, moluska and various types of birds such as sea gull, heron, sea squab, and cangak sea.

Type of seaweed found in the national park include the type of Caulerpa sp., Halimeda sp., And Padina sp. Padang which yet dominates especially Montehage in the island, and the island Nain Thalassia hemprichii, Enhallus acoroides and Thalassodendron ciliatum.

Recorded 13 genera of living coral in the waters of Bunaken National Park, dominated by the edge type of coral reefs and coral reef barrier. The most interesting is the barrier reef vertical extent to 25-50 meters.

Approximately 91 species of fish found in the waters of Bunaken National Park, including fish gusumi horse (Hippocampus kuda), white oci (Seriola rivoliana), yellow tail lolosi (Lutjanus kasmira), goropa (Ephinephelus spilotoceps and Pseudanthias hypselosoma), ila gasi (Scolopsis bilineatus) , and others.

Type moluska like giant kima (Tridacna gigas), the goat (Cassis cornuta), hollow nautilus (Nautilus pompillius), and tunikates / ascidian.

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