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Selasa, 08 Desember 2009

Cegah Anemia dengan Konsumsi Daging

Diposting oleh Wisnoe

Terlepas dari kualitas daging sapi tanah air yang patut dipertanyakan dan harganya yang selangit, terdapat faktor lain yang menjadikan konsumsi daging anak-anak Indonesia begitu minim. Salah satunya, sebagian besar anak cenderung berpikir daging sapi sulit dikunyah. Disisi lain, orang tua cenderung berpikir memasak daging membutuhkan waktu lama dan merepotkan.

Berdasarkan data LPPM Institut Pertanian Bogor tahun 2008 mencatat Rataan tingkat daging rakyat Indonesia sebesar 7,1 kg per kapita per tahun. Tingkat konsumsi ini masih jauh berada di bawah tingkat konsumsi daging untuk Malaysia dan Thailand, yaitu sebesar 46,87 kg dan 24,96 kg per kapita per tahun.

Data lain dari Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan, Departemen Pertanian tahun 2007 mencatat rata-rata mengkonsumsi daging sapi segar penduduk Indonesia hanya sekitar 0.53 kg/tahun/perkapita. sangat rendah ketimbang standar konsumsi daging yang dicanangkan Badan pangan Dunia (FAO) tahun 2008 yakni 33 kg/tahun/kapita.

Ketua Badan Konsultasi Gizi Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Sarah Fauzia S Puspita mengungkapkan, makan daging sapi membuat tubuh mendapat pemenuhan protein lebih baik, karena dalam daging sapi terdapat lima nutrisi penting. Salah satunya, unsur zat besi yang berfungsi mengangkut oksigen ke otak.

"Khusus anak yang kekurangan zat besi akan berujung pada menurunnya kecerdasan intelektual dan emosi. Kurangnya asupan zat besi sebagai salah satu mikro nutrisi yang sangat penting misalnya, dapat menyebabkan suatu kondisi dimana terjadi penurunan kadar hemoglobin,atau dikenal sebagai anemia," tukasnya disela acara "Lets beef Up Your Kids Growth With Australian Beef Meat," yang bertugas di Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) di Jakarta, akhir pekan lalu.

Dia menambahkan, penyakit anemia nantinya berdampak negatif pada anak seperti misal adanya gangguan prilaku, kemampuan memecahkan masalah rendah, mengalami gangguan konsentrasi, daya ingat rendah dan tingkat IQ yang lebih rendah.

"Yang lebih penting disini, akibat anemia menyebabkan penurunan pretasi belajar dan kemampuan fisik anak menurun drastis," imbuhnya.

Untuk mengatasi hal itu, Sarah mengungkapkan, mengkonsumsi 122 gram daging sapi sudah tepat memenuhi asupan harian yang dianjurkan untuk zat besi dimana untuk mendapatkan manfaatnya sebanding dengan mengkonsumsi ikan 7.8 kilogram.

"Nutrisi ini harus diketahui oleh ibu sebagai penjaga gawang nutrisi keluarga. Dengan mengetahui nutrisi yang terdapat pada daging sapi, anak-anak Indonesia bebas dari kekurangan gizi, ungkap Sarah.

Ia pun menyarankan, usai mengetahui kandungan nutrisi daging sapi, sebaiknya para ibu memilih daging sapi tanpa lemak. Setelah mengetahui jenis daging sapi yang baik, para ibu harus mengetahui pula cara baik mengolah daging sapi agar disukai oleh seluruh anggota keluarga. Biasanya keluarga di Indonesia mengolah daging dengan cara disemur, rendang, empal atau gulai. Untuk mencegah rasa jenuh, diperlukan variasi cara memasak daging.

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SNS : Lowongan Kerja Logistic-Bekasi

Diposting oleh Wisnoe

PT. Sinar Niaga Sejahtera – member of Tudung Group
Is one of FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) distribution leader in Indonesia (member of Tudung Group). We’re distributor All product form Garuda Food and other principal. We’re

Now we’re open a new challenges for you,
Young professional who have talent and motivation to join a world class company

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Hold Min Bachelor Degree in Engineering from Industrial Engineering is preferable
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Having Good Communication & Presentation Skill
Computer literate (Min.Ms Excel)
Willing to be Travelled

If you think you are the one, please send your comprehensive CV (max 150kb) to:

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Bangka Belitung Island

Diposting oleh Wisnoe

Bangka Belitung is a province in eastern Sumatra island that had once been part of South Sumatra province. The total area of this province is 81,724.74 km ², consisting of 16,423.74 km ² land and sea of 65,301 km ² with a coastline 1200 km. Bangka Belitung province inhabited by 1,000,177 people and the majority of the population is ethnic wither. Tionghoa nation's largest ethnic posisikedua occupy as much as 30%.

Kepulauan Bangka Belitung province defined as based on Law No.. 27 Year 2000 on December 4, 2000. New validated on 9 February 2002, it set a new provincial capital of the former, Pangkalpinang as provincial capitals. Initially, Bangka Belitung province comprises only Region 3 Level II, namely Bangka, Belitung regency and City Pangkalpinang. Since January 23, 2003, the number of districts divided by adding 4 new districts namely West Bangka, Bangka Tengah, South Bangka and Belitung.

Bangka Belitung Province 2 has two airports, each airport DEPATI Amir in Pangkalpinang, Bangka Island and the Airport H. U.S. HANANDJOEDDIN in Tanjungpandan, Belitung. By plane, Bangka only 2.5 hours from Jakarta. Four sea ports for passengers in this province is Pangkalbalam, Cape You, Mentok and Tanjungpandan. Most of the land transportation is served by jitney or taxi. Angkot terminals in each district capital. Bangka Belitung has many hotels and inns with a total of 61 fruit 1054 fruit reaches room.

As a province of the archipelago, Bangka Belitung has great potential in the field of marine tourism. Almost all the beaches in this archipelago is a typical beach of white sand to relax with a very calm surf. The beaches are very gentle slope is still very clean and natural because the level of soil and water pollution are not too big on the coastal environment. In fact, many unspoiled beaches where the industry can be an exciting adventure.

Wet Sand Beach is a seaside tourist attraction is the only one in town Pangkalpinang. This beach is located in Bukit Intan Subdistrict, Pangkalpinang. Beach overlooking the South China Sea coast has a gently sloping bottom as far as 100-300 meters to the sea. A number of supporting facilities such as restaurants and water attractions such as boat rentals and fishing boats owned by screen has been prepared for the attraction for visitors.

Sungailiat district coastal areas, the capital of Bangka store some very beautiful beaches. One object mainstay district located about 40 km from the airport is DEPATI Amir Brengkes Parai Beach. The beaches on calm waters Sungailiat overlooking the Gulf of Bangka. This beach has been managed in a professional and has completed various facilities, including a five-star hotels, restaurants, banana boating, parasailing, to a special school of tourism.

Parai Beach Jams Brengkes, Matras Beach also presents a panoramic view near-perfect beach. The beach is located at Sinar Jaya Sub-District is spread out along the white sand 3 km at the edge of sloping beach with calm wave. Stretch of fine white sand is bordered rows of palm trees that shade visitors from the scorching sun. At one end of the beach leads to a clear river.

Beaches in clay River is located about 7 km from the central district. Sea water in this area blue-green with a fine sand beach which color ranges from white to golden brown. Other interesting coastal beaches located in the Beach Stone Sungailiat Bedaun, Uber Gulf Coast, Beach Rebo, Enchantment of Cape Coast, Cape Coast and Layang. There are also Beach Air Merawang Anyer in District, about 15 km from Sungailiat and Remodong and Coast District Penyusuk in Belinyu, Bangka about 77 km from Sungailiat.

Belitung Island also store objects marine tourism potential. Cape Coast High has a big lump of granite that forms the natural corridor overlooking the sea. Beaches in this area as if united along 5 km. Waters protected by a stone fence is very quiet and comfortable for swimming. Kelayang Cape Coast, visitors can enjoy the scenery of a fishing village and those from the boat which was parked neatly along the beach.

Besides the beautiful beach line, Bangka Belitung province also offers many other tourism options, one of which Tionghoa community culture. As the second largest ethnic, cultural course Tionghoa own color on earth Bangka Belitung. A place with a strong tourism element is a lake tionghoa Buada Phak Kak Liang. The lake is a former tin mining is no longer in production, which in local language is called under.

According to a story in the local community, Phak Kak Liang is the name of the maker of the lake. Around the lake there were settlements of people Tionghoa settlements. Homes are still using an oriental-style architecture. Phak Kak Liang lake located about 57 km from Sungailiat. Not only around Lake Phak Kak Liang, township Tionghoa people can also be found in Pari Three JEBUS, Kuto Belinyu Panji, Kampung Bintang, Pangkalpinang, and the Village Mengkuban Manggar.

Sino people living in Bangka Belitung Islands generally come from ethnic Khek and Hokian. They began living in the land of Bangka and Belitung since the 18th century. Many residents who still have historical connections with China. So not only elements of physical culture, Bangka Belitung Province government is also working to preserve ethnic traditions hereditary Tionghoa in Bangka. Elements of the tradition that was developed with the aim of promoting regional tourism is the Lunar New Year Festival, Celebration Pe Chun, Bury Ritua Prayer, Lion Dance and Liong. (Roberto J. Setyabudi / 290,408)

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